I am totally bewildering by an exchange of emails I have recently had with a lady we had hoped to do business with.
Musical Minis had approached her to develop an idea in conjunction with her company. We were prepared to pay large sums of money but asked a few commercial questions so we could trust our money would be safeguarded.
Our questioning obviously offended her as she said she was sad that we think a Mum in business could be capable of taking someone's money without delivering. This has left me questioning that are Mums in business always totally honest and should we accept anything they tell us. Or is that view totally naive and Mums in business can be good or bad depending on the person?
When I established Musical Minis as a Mum of a one year old, I was excited to be a Mum in business. Musical Minis is an enterprise closely linked to Mums. Our franchise network has always been made up of virtually only Mums, our classes are designed for children but obviously appeal to Mums (as well as Dads, Grandparents, carers etc.) as it them who sign their children up and pay for our classes. Musical Minis is totally Mum orientated!
I have come across unscrupulous Mums who run businesses - perhaps I've been unlucky. I do like to support local and national Mums in business. Most Mums in business seem to have huge job satisfaction and want to do the best job they can. I know how hard it can be juggling a family and a business, I also know that I would never let anyone down if I had committed to do something. However, I think this is more down to the person I am and not just because I am a Mum.
I am really interested in your views - please let me know what you think.