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Crystal Jigsaw

I think social media is a good way to promote yourself. I use Twitter and Facebook but I also use a lot of different website, too, forums and networking sites.

CJ xx

Not a Notting Hill Mum via British Mummy Bloggers

I'm going on a course on this very subject on February 10th. It's run by Women unlimited. There's a similar one a month easier. It costs £45 and you book through Eventbrite and no I am not being sponsored by them or going free in return for mentioning their course ( in relation to another thread on here today! )

Not a Notting Hill Mum

Karen Sherr

That's a good idea Not a Ntting Hill Mum, to go on a course. Linda Jones at Passionate Media helped me get going with social media. It really can be a bit mind blowing to know what to do and the 'correct' way to approach it. I'm interested to know how you find the course.

Crystal Jigsaw are there any particular network sites or forums you'd recommend?

Thanks Karen


Hi Karen - thanks for the mention above! I'm so pleased to see that you are finding blogging worthwhile and while at the moment you can't say for sure about new business that has come your way solely through social media, it sounds very much like it's definitely playing a part.

My view is that maintaining and strengthening relationships through social media is very important and social media can be a brilliant tool in doing that. I think that you can only start to see more positive sides of social media - even from just a PR point of view, PR may not be a direct sales mechanism but it can underline everything else you are doing, and unlike the old days where you had to wait for some news editor to decide how much of a story they want to use about you, you are in direct control.

You can also use it to research and save time that way. Social networking like any other networking can build trust in businesses too, as your personality and ethics shine through. I am doing a lot of social media training now, and touch wood it's going great. The thing is as well that the only investment may be your time which brings great value for money. Certainly in my industry, there are direct business opportunities available through social media. If you get chance have a look at a video on YouTube called Social media revolution 2 - this explains some more about businesses embracing social media.

I'm so sorry I could go on and on about this. For me the basic thing is not to be blinded by technology but realise it's all about communicating and we should all think more about what we say to whom and when rather than the method we use.

Good luck with everything. I'm doing training to suit individuals and companies now and have teamed up with my Chamber of Commerce in the West Midlands to provide the training too so touch wood it's going okay. xx

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