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Mine set out to embarress me all the time, we have had the fat one too, but worst of all was mini asking one of Maxi's friends dads hy he was the colour he was and if it was from staying out in the sun tolong - I wanted the ground to swallow me whole


The Mad House,oh no - poor you. It is funny when it's not your child doing it though - hope the poor Dad thought it was vaguely amusing! I can feel your embarrassment.

Jo Weaving

I can't actually think of a time where either of my 2 have embarrassed me in such a way however I heard this story yesterday from one of my Monday Morning Musical Minis Mums. (She has given me permission to post it here!)
Recently she had baby number 3 and over the weekend she took her 5 year old and her 2 year old, along with the 4 week old baby to the local science museum. She booked tickets to the planeterium show thinking that as it was dark she could breastfeed the baby in relative privacy. As the lights went out and a hush descended on the room her 5 year old yells out at the top of his voice - 'My mummy is going to breastfeed my baby brother now!'

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