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Trish@ Mum's Gone to

Three of your top five would be in mine - Venice, Rome and Paris. I would probably add Berlin too and my home city of Newcastle (or my husband's, Edinburgh?)

Still not been to New York - may have to get across the pond now thanks to your post. Thank you.

Debbie Caygill

1 Rome - lots to see and fantastic food...what more could you want!
2 San Francisco
3 Las Vegas
4 Paris
5 London

Now I'm feeling depressed.....all places we visited before having the kids....one day!!

Jo Weaving

How about Vancouver, Stockholm and Hong Kong and Cardiff? I would love to visit New York. Biased with Cardiff but it really is a great place to be.


Thanks for your comments.

Trish I did like Edinburgh but wasn't so keen on Berlin.

Debbie I haven't been to Las Vegas or San Francisco - I'll add them to my list.

Jo I haven't been to Vancover, Stockholm or Hong Kong - I will add these to my places to visit list too. I went to Cardiff many years ago - think it's time for a revisit.

Justin Smith Jersey

This was a great article that really was really helpful to me and I really can’t wait to learn more from your valuable experience. This was really very interesting to me.

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